Crystal Heat Healing

thIn my Acupuncture and Acupressure Therapy practice I have clients lie on an Amethyst Biobiomatcrystallinelight-2_grandeMat pad for added benefits of Quantum healing. The BioMat converts electrical heat through the use of Amethyst and Tourmaline Crystals into Far Infrared Rays (FIR), the safest, most beneficial light wave.

This reduces swelling, increases blood flow and has been shown to destroy cancer and viral cells without harming surrounding healthy cells. It penetrates 6-8 inches into the innermost recesses of the body, stimulating healing and regeneration of nerves and muscle tissue layers.

The BioMat also produces Negative Ions, nature™s energizer, which deliver a molecular level massage. This accelerates and deepens all healing and cleansing processes. It balances pH by decreasing acidity and is considered the Master Power Switch which activates the body™s entire cellular communication system, making every body function work better! Negative Ions help to alleviate allergies, migraines and sinus problems.

BioMat-amethystThese two components, the Negative Ions and Far Infrared Rays, are transferred through Amethyst Quartz channels which cover the entire BioMat™s surface. The Amethyst Crystals produce the highest frequency of vibrational energy that the body can absorb, thereby promoting increased conduction and absorbtion of FIR and Negative Ions.

I have seen the benefits of lying on the BioMat during treatments in my clients. It can be a deeply relaxing and transformative healing experience. Regular use can bring long lasting results from reduction of pain, better sleep and improved health. For your own personal experience, call for an appointment.

Battlefield Acupuncture

Battlefield Acupuncture (BA) is one of the most effective treatments for pain. Results are immediate. Treatment consists of inserting small semipermanent needles into specific areas of the ear that correspond to pain centers and reflex areas of the body. Needles are kept in the ears for hours or days. Immediate benefits include reduction of pain and inflammation, increased immune response and relaxation.

The name “Battlefield Acupuncture” was coined in 2001  by Dr. Richard Niemtzow, an acupuncturist and  Colonel in the US Air Force, who developed this protocol for rapid pain relief in the battlefield. It is now being taught to military medical personnel for use in the field, hospitals and clinics.

Auriculotherapy or the treatment of the ear is based on traditional Chinese medicine. Ear points were used for treatment in the Chinese army more than 2000 years ago. Later it was developed by Dr. Nogier, a French acupuncturist, who became interested when he noticed many of his patients had scars in the ear corresponding to the hip reflex area. Upon questioning his patients, they replied that treatment of the ear in that area alleviated them of chronic sciatic pain.

Dr. Nogier developed a complete system of ear correspondence with body parts that is used today. ear map  Auriculotherapy is very effective in the treatment of many conditions besides pain relief. There is a classical ear treatment protocol for addiction detox from drugs, smoking and alcohol.

In addition, auriculotherapy can be a great adjunct therapy to any Acupuncture or Acupressure Therapy and can continue the benefit of the treatment for days and weeks afterwards.

Common conditions treated include pain, digestive problems, headaches, menstrual issues, weight problems, depression, allergies, and stress.